The new events schedule is out. Please have a look at our 'Events' section for more information.
The United Assam Association of the UK (UAAUK) consists of a voluntary group of people from Assam. It is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit making voluntary Association. It has a constitution and a membership and is managed by an Executive Committee that holds Annual General Meeting. A copy of our constitution is available here.


Our History
Our foundation goes back to the early 1970s following the migration of the Assamese diaspora in the 1960s and 1970s. It started with a small group of migrant Assamese who arrived before and after the 70s’. Over the past 50+ years, it has continued to grow and change. With 90+ registered members, this is one of the largest Assamese associations in the UK.

Our Mission
To unite people from Assam in the UK to build a stronger Assamese community.
To promote the cultural identity of the people from Assam in British society.
To provide network and support to the new Assamese migrants, visitors and students in the UK
To make the second and third generation of British Assamese aware of their cultural heritage.
To promote the social and general welfare of the British Assamese.
To lend a helping hand, whenever possible, to the people of Assam.
To cooperate and collaborate with other organisations with common or similar interests for closer social relations.

Our Values
Being inclusive and uniting people from Assam in the UK and bringing the community closer.
Collaborate to bring the cultural relevance of Assam to British society.
Provide non-financial help and support to the Assamese people in need, whether in the UK or Assam.
Fun is an integral part of our association; we provide cultural platforms and organise events to bring fun to the community.
We establish links & promote cooperation with like-minded organisations in the UK, India, USA, etc.